In this video Nouman Ali Khan discusses his relationship with the Quran as an average American who grew up not knowing much about the Quran. He shares and explains some of the linguistic marvels of the Quran.
God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Dr. Philips discusses this topic briefly.
In this video, Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses various aspects of the civilization of Islam and Muslims. He explains how different aspects of the Muslim civilization impacted the modern Western civilization. He also draws a comparison between both civilizations.
In this video Imam Mutahhir explains the miraculous birth of Jesus, the son of Mary and the Islamic perspective on this belief as compared to the Christian belief.
How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out
of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 1: Islam reaches West Africa, and a
history of the Islamic Empire of Ghana.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 2: The study of Philosophy and reading the Quran.
The brother's curiosity in Islam increased after he was impressed by the manners of some Muslims. He was then introduced to a translation of the Holy Quran.
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