Remembrance of death is a factor that has positively impacted the lives of many. In this video Renaldo explains how the remembrance of death positively impacted his life.
Islam is a religion for all times and for all people. Because of the divine nature of the Islamic traditions, we find that every little tradition related to us from the Prophet Muhammad his various physical benefits that are discovered on a day-to-day basis. In this video Yusuf Estes discusses a few of these traditions.
Christmas, Halloween, and Easter are all commonly practiced festivals by thousands in various countries across the world. In this video Dr. Quick unveils the polytheistic nature of these events.
The religion of Islam is more than just a religion, it's a way of life. In this video Mamdouh Mohamed explains how Islam is the solution for various global problems.
After discovering the truth, Neelain Muhammad converted from Christianity to Islam. Throughout his life Neelain has held many positions, from being the personal bodyguard of Muhammad Ali to a trained Martial-Artist. In this video Neelain discusses how he came to Islam and more!
Bible is one of several revelations that God has sent to man kind. With that being in mind, it is very important for one to be aware of the authenticity of the bible prevalent today. In this video Yusuf Estes discusses this point and other related points.
A person may think, "Why is it that God created multiple religions? Why not just one religion? If God wanted everyone to be following one religion, why then would he create numerous religions?" In this video Dr. Naik briefly covers this point.
Prophet Muhammad was the prophet sent to all of humanity and for all times. With an everlasting miracle, the Quran, he led his people from the darkest of darkness to light. Many great figures over the centuries (Muslim/Non-Muslims) pondered the life of the Prophet Muhammad to derive lessons that led them to where they were.
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