In this video Jamaal Diwan discusses the value of human beings. He finishes the talk by giving practical examples of what one should do in the face of abuse.?
In this video Nouman Ali Khan discusses the linguistic miracle of the Quran. He shares 5 examples of the linguistic miracle of the in manner that is comprehendible to the English speaking audience.
In this video Abdul Wahab Saleem explains Surah al-Hujurat from a literal perspective and derives lessons for our daily lives. He focuses greatly the position of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam.
This lecture is a detailed explanation of the concept of Tadabbur (pondering the Quran). The viewer will learn to appreciate the linguistic miracle of the Quran. Towards the end of the lecture, Abdul Wahab Saleem shares some practical advice about how to get closer to the Quran.
In this video Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses the Prophet's tradition about saying Salam and feeding others. He shares a real life example of how saying Salam to one another can develop between the people.
In this video Abdul Wahab Saleem narrates the tradition of the Prophet (PBUH) about one of the greatest of major sins. He focuses the talk around being disobedient to our parents.
In this video Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses the importance of keeping others protected from our tongues and hands. He shares some stories of the outcomes of a person who does such an act.
In this video Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses the harms of speaking in religious matters without knowledge. He also sheds some light on indulging in matters that don't concern a person.
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