In this video Lisa explains how she accepted Islam because of her belief that Islam is a feminist faith. She shares the fact that she started wearing the Hijab prior to accepting Islam.
In this video Omar Suleiman shares the real cure for the hearts through some texts from the Quran and the Sunnah. He prolifically shares some stories to shed light on this subject.
In this video Arnoud discusses his journey from being part of an Islamophobic party to a devout Muslim. He then gives some advice on how to deal with the growing prevalence of Islamophobia.
In this video Yusuf Idris discusses the story of the virgin Mary in detail. He discusses some of the benefits that both Muslims and non-Muslims can take from the beautiful life of the virgin Mary.
In this video Nouman Ali Khan discusses his relationship with the Quran as an average American who grew up not knowing much about the Quran. He shares and explains some of the linguistic marvels of the Quran.
In this video Sr. Natalie shares here story of how she accepted Islam. She also shares some details on how she coped with the harsh treatment she got from her family after accepting Islam.
In this video Nouman Ali Khan gives a brief explanation of what Islam is, what Muslims believe in and the historical interactions of Muslims with other religions. He also tries to clear some fog around some of the misconceptions around Islam.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution being a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution being a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution be a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
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