This spoken word poem is a collection of thought provoking words which have given direction to numerous people. Many people, including celebrities, have began to rethink life after hearing these lines of poetry.
In this video Imam Mutahhir explains the miraculous birth of Jesus, the son of Mary and the Islamic perspective on this belief as compared to the Christian belief.
In this video Abdullah al-Andalusi expands on whether Islam is terrorism and whether the various events that are usually used to classify this are true.
In this video Abdullah al-Andalusi expands on whether Islam is terrorism and whether the various events that are usually used to classify this are true.
Adapted from Dr. Lawrence
Brown’s two articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ‘Five Reasons to Get Excited
about the Dead Sea Scrolls’ and ‘Five More Reasons to Get Excited about the
Dead Sea Scrolls’, where he mentions intriguing and fascinating points about
these scrolls.
Jeffrey Lang shares his experiences as a young man struggling to find meaning in a world full of turmoil. He recounts his time growing up in San Francisco when his discovery of the Holy Qur'an compelled him to reconsider his scepticism of religion.
In this video John Fontain discusses if Jesus & Santa are really White Men, if Jesus was really God or a literal son of God and if Jesus Christ born on Christmas on the 25th of December.
In this video Dr. Zakir Naik deals with common concerns that people have before accepting Islam on a live panel question and answer session. Numerous people accept Islam in this session from multiple religious backgrounds.?
In this video Dr. Jamal Badawi discusses some of the issues related to peace with the creator. He shares insight about the etymological origin of the word peace.
In this video John Fontain discusses his story of how he came to Islam. He also sheds some light on what to understand from the early death of the famous movie star Paul Walker.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the Islamic view on the relationship between church and state. In addition, he shares some suggestions on how to understand the Muslim inclusive view of the church in politics within the western context.
In this video Dr. Waleed Basyouni discusses the positive nature of the Islamic call. He highlights the fact that one of the core reasons behind the existence of the Shariah is to bring happiness to the lives of people.
Even though the Bible has been changed, yet there exists
clear and explicit verses that show that Jesus is not God. Part 1: An
introduction and a list of some of these verses.
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