In this video Dr. Hakim Quick speaks about the mysterious forbidden walled city of Hara that existed some 800 years ago and the advancements it had as a highly spiritual Muslim city.
In this episode Dr. Hakim Quick speaks about the slavery of Muslim scholars in America, highlighting the changes they brought within the western society.
In this episode Dr. Hakim Quick briefly shares the immigration of the Muslims during the early period of Islam to Abyssinia and the justice of King Negus.
In this video Abdul Bary Yahya speaks about the Islamic civilization and the key factors on how it was built mentioning some of the inventions that Muslims brought to the modern world.
In this video Abdul Bary Yahya speaks about the Islamic civilization and the key factors on how it was built mentioning some of the inventions that Muslims brought to the modern world.
In this video Abdul Bary Yahya speaks about the Islamic civilization and the key factors on how it was built mentioning some of the inventions that Muslims brought to the modern world.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis explains why there are foreign words in the Quran and how all languages work to include foreign words and make them their own.
In this video Dr. Shabir Ally discusses God in Islam and expands on some of His characteristics. He also discusses whether God in Islam is the same God in Christianity and other religions.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis speaks about a recent documentary which claims that the Quran has Syriac or Aramaic Origins and he unveils the truth behind the claims.
In this video Yusuf Chambers briefly explains the purpose of life from an Islamic perspective and encourages everyone to give Islam a chance to speak for itself.
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