In this video Yusuf Chambers discusses the purpose of life. He shares how materialism has lead many to be in unhealthy circumstances and that the solution of life lies within recognizing its purpose.
So many people reach a level where they cease to improve.
They think they have attained everything that it means to be guided. This
article sheds light on the fact that we need guidance in every affair, whether
big or small.
Main Speaker: [edited by]
In this video Hamza Tzortzis debates the idea of consciousness. He proposes that not everything can be explained by materialism and that the fact that materialism can't explain consciousness is a proof of the existence of God.
In this video Yusha Evans speaks about the similarities and differences between the Islamic and Christian beliefs regarding Jesus and his birth, life and ascension to heavens.
In this video Dr. Sabeel Ahmed speaks about why Muslims fast in Ramadan, some of the spiritual and health benefits of fasting and how the earlier Prophets fasted as well.
In this video Abdullah Daniel Hernandez discusses how he came to Islam and why he went on a journey to Egypt to learn about Islam. He also discusses the reasons that led both his mother and father to Islam.
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