In this video, Alexander discusses his story of how Islam naturally appealed to him when he first heard about it. He also explains how it continuously became more and more intriguing as he learned more about it.
The characteristics of a believer, the punishment that
awaits the disbelievers and those who distract the believers from worship, wise
advice and the ultimate power of God.
In this video a devoted Christian asks If Islam cannot promise the same easy way to attain salvation and Paradise by just accepting Jesus as God, why should one choose Islam over Christianity? Is not better to become a Christian and live a life of sin and still be 100% certain of Paradise, than becoming a Muslim, when Islam requires one to do good deeds to enter Paradise?
In this video Waseem Razvi describes how Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) treated the non-Muslims of the region, how he was concerned for their affairs, asked of their welfare when they were not seen, and supplicated for their guidance.
In this video Waseem Razvi teaches about the care that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) demonstrated towards those around him, placing the needs of others before his own, whether they be the poorest of people or the richest.
A warning to the disbelievers, an encouragement to
Prophet Muhammad and contrasting the faces of the believers and the disbelievers
on the day of the Overwhelming Event.
In this video Quadir Lateef shares his story of how he came to Islam highlighting his time of fame and popularity that led him to realize the true purpose of his life.
Attention is drawn to ignorance and deviation and their
consequences. The people are warned not to behave like the people of the past
whose civilisations were destroyed.
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