In this lecture Mufti Menk discusses the importance of unity amongst the Muslims. He shares some common examples of how Muslims fall into disunity among one another.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi details the rulings pertinent to the rites of Hajj. He also gives the audience some practical advice appropriate for pilgrims.
In this video Abu Imran Al-Sharkasi details the concept of Zakat in Islam. He discusses the reasons why Zakat is deemed an obligation. He further explains the rulings pertinent to Zakat.
In this video Abdul Nasir Jangda shares detailed advice on the process of performing Istikharah. He shares the meaning, purpose and process of Istikharah. He then concludes the talk by sharing some of the virtues of making Istikharah.
In this lecture Dr. Muhammad Salah discusses the concept voluntary actions in general. He then continue his discussion of voluntary actions with a focus on both voluntary prayer and night prayer.
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