Since all religions contradict one another, only one of them has to be true. This video explains why Muslims believe Islam is the only true religion of God.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
Since all religions contradict one another, there has to be only one true path. This video explains that the truthfulness of Islam is established through clear proofs from the Creator.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
Description: How the call to pray (Adhan) had an
everlasting impact on Dr. Chris. Part 2: A desire for equality and justice and
finding Islam to provide solutions to humanity, finally led her to convert to
This video explains how the natural laws were intelligently designed with finely tuned factors to produce a habitable universe. Therefore, God exists and universe has a cause.
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