How the believers will experience the Day of Reckoning,
and some of the qualities of the faithful that will ease their passage to the
gates of Paradise.
Main Speaker: Imam Mufti (co-author Abdurrahman Mahdi)
The acknowledgement that Muhammad was a prophet,
the invitation made by Heraclius to his subjects, and their reaction to it. A
discussion of some legends concerning how the letter was handed down as an
Three more stories from the prophetic narrations
demonstrating the character trait of modesty and the sense of shame that underlies
and accompanies it, producing virtuous propriety in one’s deeds.
Three stories from the prophetic narrations demonstrating the relationship between the character traits of modesty as shyness, and the seemly behavior that results from actively pursuing them.
Poor and needy non-Muslims have the right to social
security under Islamic Law. Examples from history where non-Muslims were
provided from the public treasury.
Main Speaker: Imam Mufti (Originally by Saleh al-Aayed)
A short trip through the comprehensive guide on good parenting as taught by God and His Prophet, briefly explored here, with reasons why Muslims follow such guidance.
There are various prophecies mentioned in the
Quran which specifically addressed Prophet Muhammad. The fulfillment of these
prophecies has been well documented in the books of seerah, or the
biography of the Prophet as recorded by his disciples.
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