To draw people's attention to the greatness of the Creator, the Quran talks about God's various signs in creation. This video sheds some light on that.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
This video explains that there is no concept of original sin in Islam and that each person is responsible for his or her own actions and is accountable to God for it.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
Islamic doctrine holds that human existence continues after the death of the human body in the form of spiritual and physical resurrection. This video explains more about this.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
This video explains some of the fundamental similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity in terms of their understanding of God, Jesus, revealed scriptures, and original sin.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
Muslims have no doubt that the Quran is exactly the same today as it was more than 1400 years ago. This video talks about the efforts taken to preserve the Quran.
Main Speaker: Saad Tasleem (Produced by Dawah Association in Rawdah)
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