The Quran is the greatest miracle of God and was sent to Prophet Muhammad who is the last Prophet for all of humankind. Part 1: Some of the types of signs of God in the Quran.
The existence of God does not require evidence. Part 3 discusses how the existence of God is ingrained in the innate nature of mankind.
The existence of God does not require evidence. Part 2 discusses answers to two more objections.
How complex systems prove the existence of God and refute the theory of Darwin.
How the Quran guides humanity to be able to see the signs and proofs of His existence through reflection.
The earth has been designed specially for human life, and the intricate balances found on earth and in the universe prove the existence of God, but only for those who truly reflect.
A look at genetic, bio-chemical, and molecular similarities found in nature, and whether they prove or disprove the theory of evolution.
Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 1: The problem of instinct and examples from the animal kingdom.
Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 2: What the Quran has to say about instinct.
The supposed discord between religion and science is a relatively new belief, mainly one brought about by theories of atheists, but many scientists in the past and present see a harmony and coherence unexplained by science. Part 1: Religion and Science according to atheists.
The supposed discord between religion and science is a relatively new belief, mainly one brought about by theories of atheists, but many scientists in the past and present see a harmony and coherence unexplained by science. Part 2: The statements of past and present scientists who did not see a conflict between religion and science.
Everything, every detail from the atom, the smallest unit of matter, to the galaxies harboring billions of stars, from the moon, an inseparable adjunct of the world, to the solar system, all work in a perfect harmony, running flawlessly, just like a watch; these facts and others all prove the existence of God.
God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. When one ponders the “trivial realities” of life on Earth, he will come to the conclusion of the existence of God.
The concept that numerous facts present in nature prove the existence of God, as well as how the theory of irreducible complexity contradicts the theories of Darwin.
A logical refutation of the notion that matter is eternal, and why if there is a God, it must be the God as depicted by Islam.
Although a person may deny the existence of God, in the depths of their hearts, it is a fact they cannot deny.
Being unable to understand some of the workings of God is no reason to negate His existence.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part One: The eternalness of the universe and the decay of matter, and the implications of the Big Bang.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists. Part two: Various hypotheses of what could stand as causes of beings or events.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part three: The only conclusion to the series of causes is that there be one ultimate and external cause which led to all others.
A brief analysis of the concept of agnosticism.
This article discusses the statement of Huxley on agnosticism.
How the concept of agnosticism was formed due to the lack of logical defense of modern day Judaism and Christianity.
How a lack of any untainted religions has led people to settle for half truths, or, half lies.
What Islam teaches about the origin of life.
Contrary to evolutionists’ expectations, fossil records provide proof of Creation, not evolution of species.
All atheists are in fact polytheists.
How to fully comprehend the existence of God.
There are many rational reasons for believing in God. This article will briefly explain three simple reasons for God’s existence.
By doing away with religion secularism has taken a dangerous path that has no end to moral degradation.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through reason and revelation. Part 1 explains why there has to be a cause for the existence of the universe and that this cause has to be one.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through reason and revelation. Part 2 discusses three more rational arguments for the singularity and uniqueness of God.
The existence of God and His Oneness is known through reason and revelation. Part 3 explains that the Oneness of God and His nature is known through revelation.
God can be recognized by pondering over His creation. Part 1 discusses the signs in the cosmos, and on the earth and how everything is running in complete harmony. Whatever little man has made is not devoid of problems and harm.
God can be recognized by pondering over His creation. Part 2 discusses the signs in the creation of the universe and within man himself. Whatever little the human race has accomplished is not devoid of problems and harm. And the discovery of the Creator of creation is the most elating experience.
After the tremendous advancements and achievements made during the third millennium in the field of genetics, we are now in a better position to assess the chances for macroevolution of evolution theory to have occurred during the history of the universe.
Fine-tuning by design is an argument from physics and cosmology for the divine creation of the universe. It will be shown that discoveries of physics and cosmology in the last fifty years strongly support the existence of God and the divine creation of the universe. This article will describe the fine-tuned elegant laws of nature.
Simple explanation of what is meant by the fine-tuning of the constants of nature and the initial conditions of the universe.
Four examples[1] of fine-tuning are discussed: fine-tuning that allows life on planet earth, carbon resonance, the strong nuclear force, and the ratio of the strong nuclear force to electromagnetic force.
Three extreme examples of fine-tuning are given along with illustrations of just how big the numbers are and how fine-tuned our universe is.
1. Three objections to fine-tuning are answered. 2. Why does fine-tuning need an explanation? 3. An illustration of fine-tuning with a universe generating machine. 4. Awe of atheists on how fine-tuned the universe is.
Fine-tuning and design are two separate ideas. We will discuss all possible explanations for fine-tuning and see that divine creation is the only reasonable choice acknowledged even by some atheists.
An explanation is given of how naturalism leads to multiverse hypothesis followed by a critique of ‘many-world’ hypothesis by top scientists. Nevertheless, belief in many worlds does not conflict with belief in God even if the hypothesis develops into a future theory.
Divine creation is the most compelling explanation for fine-tuning of the universe after looking at all other possible explanations. 2. Science is limited by its nature and thus cannot provide definite answers. 3. Similar reflections from ancient camel riders to modern-day thinkers tell us that the ‘evidence’ for God is equally accessible to everyone.
A two article summary of fine-tuning by design, an argument from physics for the divine creation of the universe. The original articles with detailed citations can be read here. This article will summarize the types and examples of fine-tuning.
Why does fine-tuning need an explanation? 2. What is the most reasonable explanation of fine-tuning? 3. What about Multiverse Hypothesis? 4. Conclusion of the argument for God’s existence by fine-tuning. The original articles with detailed citations can be read here.
The existence of God does not require evidence. Part 1 discusses that belief in God is a self-evident truth and self-evident truths are cross-cultural, innate and provide the basis for a coherent worldview.
The odds of life existing on another planet grow ever longer. Intelligent design, anyone?
Human imagination is limited since it is based on what it observes and experiences, and this is why our imagination cannot fully grasp the concept that God is timeless and eternal, without beginning or end.
God is the First and nothing precedes Him and He is the Last whose existence persists without end. This is a belief which humbles us and reminds us of the inevitable end of ourselves and this world.
What gives us more value, atheism or Islamic theism?
Is belief in God the only rational foundation for objective morality? Part 1: Defining ‘objective’, why morals are objective, and the implications of adopting an atheist worldview.
Is belief in God the only rational foundation for objective morality? Part 2: Response to Euthyphro’s dilemma and some alternative explanations given by atheists for moral objectivity.
Is belief in God the only rational foundation for objective morality? Part 3: Response to those who deny morality to be objective, conflate moral epistemology with moral ontology, conflate absolute morality with objective morality and to those who maintain morality to be relative to cultural norms.
The Quran is the greatest miracle of God and was sent to Prophet Muhammad who is the last Prophet for all of humankind. Part 2: Nature – another great sign of God extensively mentioned in the Quran.
God gave us a rational mind and a rational universe so that we reflect upon this creation. This makes us appreciate God’s majesty and creative power, which naturally leads us to knowing and affirming that He deserves to be worshipped.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 1: No ultimate hope.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 2: No ultimate value.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 3: No ultimate purpose.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 4: No eternal and meaningful happiness.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 5: No eternal and meaningful happiness—continued.
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