A theoretical dialogue between a Muslim and a Christian (part 2 of 2)

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Description: Expressions of truth and steps of conversion.  Part 2.

  • By islamweb.net
  • Published on 28 Dec 2009
  • Last modified on 10 Nov 2013
  • Printed: 697
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Abdullah:     Yes, especially their misunderstanding of who Jesus was.

Derek:          Oh my God! I’ve been deceived! Really, I feel religiously raped.  I have been fooled simply because I followed blindly the religion that I was born with and didn’t take care to investigate it thoroughly.  But still inside me there is something holding me back from accepting Islam, even though Islam is clearly the True Religion.

Abdullah:     Your last comment shows that you are a Muslim not a Christian and if you really love God and His Messenger Jesus you will follow Islam and Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.  Break this barrier inside you and come back to the way of your ancestors.  You are now free because you are looking for the Truth and our great Prophet Jesus, told us that we should look for the Truth and the Truth will set us free.  So you will be a free man as soon as you accept it.  Be strong enough to accept Islam as the Truth, without any hesitation on your part and you will taste real freedom and real happiness that you have never tasted before.

Derek:          Frankly, I am concerned about the negative way Islam and Muslims are shown in the media.  In the West, there is a stigma attached to being a Muslim and I’m not sure I’m ready to live with that stigma.

Abdullah:     This is why I have chosen to tell people about the right

picture of Islam.

Derek:          Then, what is the right picture of Islam?

Abdullah:     The right picture of Islam is conveyed in the Quran which is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad.  The reality is that it is not fair to judge a religion by the actions of its followers alone, because there are good and bad followers in every religion.  The correct thing to do is to judge a religion by its documented revelation from God and the Prophet who brought that revelation.

Derek:          I see.  I agree with you, but I’m still concerned about the reaction of my family and friends if they know that I am a Muslim.

Abdullah:     Brother, on Judgment Day, no one will be able to help you, not even  your father, mother or any of your friends (see Quran 31:33).  So if you believe that Islam is the true religion, you should embrace it and live your life to please the One Who created you.  Be an illuminating torch for them.  Do not delay your coming to Islam.  If you die before becoming a Muslim, then it’s too late (see  Quran 2:132, 3:102, 3:85).  So grab this opportunity now.  You can only remedy this pain inside you by becoming a Muslim and being able in the future, God willing, to come and perform pilgrimage (Hajj).

Derek:          You are very wise man.  I want to say that when I sometimes see on the satellite, especially in the season of Hajj, people of different colors and different races sitting side by side and praying to God, I feel a pain deep inside my heart and I feel something urging me to talk with someone to know more about that great religion that can gather all the races in the same place.  Thanks to you, I have found that person. So please help me become a Muslim!

Abdullah:     Brother, let us take it step by step.  First, enter Islam by saying: I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God (Allah), and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger.  I bear witness that Jesus is His Prophet and Messenger. Let us say this again: I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God (Allah), and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger.  I bear witness that Jesus is His Prophet and Messenger.

Derek:          I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God (Allah), and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger.  I bear witness that Jesus is His Prophet and Messenger

Abdullah:     By the way, Jesus’ name is not Jesus.  It is a Latinized name.  His real name is ‘Eesaa.  Now you will say the same thing in Arabic, the language of the Quran.  I will transliterate for you: Ash’hadu an laa ilaahaa illAllah, wa ash’hadu anna Muhammadun rasoolullaah, wa ash’hadu anna ‘Eesaa ‘abdullaahi wa rasooluhu.

Derek:          Ash’hadu an laa ilaahaa illAllah, wa ash’hadu anna muhammadun rasoolullaah, wa ash’hadu anna ‘Eesaa ‘abdullaahi wa rasooluhu.

Abdullah:     Brother, say God is the greatest because you are a Muslim now.  You are not a Christian anymore.  You are in the House of Islam.  If I were with you, I would hug you as my brother in Islam. How do you feel now? A burden has been removed from you and you feel like you are so light. Isn’t this right?

Derek:          If you were with me now,  you would have seen my tears reaching my neck.  You are a great brother.  I feel that I have just come to life.  This is exactly how I feel from now.  I don’t have to listen to the words of the priests in the church, who knowingly or unknowingly lead people astray.  I hope to be a good servant of God.

Abdullah:     You know what came out of you was disbelief and it was replaced by belief.  You are so clean now, because when someone embraces Islam sincerely, God forgives all of his past sins.  So, go to an Islamic center that has Muslims from all over the world and announce your Islam there and continue to learn more about Islam from them.  In addition, find a book on prayer in Islam and practice it.  This is essential.  Now after you are through with me, you must take a shower to purify yourself from previous wrong beliefs.  Remember to stay away from bad company and be with righteous Muslim people.  Also, beware of those so-called Muslims who call to nationalistic ideas or racial thoughts, which are rejected in Islam.  I love you as a brother in Islam and I hope one day I will see you and hear your voice.

Derek:          I will for sure do what you have asked.  And tomorrow I will go to the Islamic center.  Thank you for showing me the Truth.  I will do my best to meet people who know about Islam for sure.  May God help you guide more and more people to the true word of God.  There is no god but God (Allah) and Muhammad is his Messenger. Well it is as difficult for me as it is for you to leave you.

Abdullah:     Well brother, you will not leave me for a long time.  I will soon be with you through my supplications, God willing.  Pray for me, brother.

Derek:          Well, I thank you, I love you although I do not know you yet. But it is enough for me to remember that one day, a very dear man has picked me up from the mud of life.  Please teach me another Islamic word in Arabic so as to make use of it in the Islamic center.

Abdullah:     As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

and Astaghfirullaah.

Derek:          What do they mean?

Abdullah:     May the Peace, Mercy and Blessing of God be upon you.  This is used as a greeting to all Muslims.  The last word means, God forgive me.  Well,  I have to leave you now but be sure it will not be for long.

Derek:          Assalaamu ‘Alaykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh and Astaghfirullaah for being astray from the Truth all those years.  May God bless you.  You have occupied a great place in my heart and I will never forget you.  Bye and talk to you later.  Your brother in Islam, Derek, but I will call myself ‘Eesaa from now on.

Abdullah:     O.K. ‘Eesaa.  I will leave you some final words of inspiration.  Certainly, the ultimate goal of every individual is to be in Paradise forever.  This reward of Paradise is too great to not have a price.  That price is true faith, which is proven obedience to God and following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. This is the road to Paradise. Let’s stay in touch!  Assalamu Alaykum!

Derek:          O.K. Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.

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