Kaviri, Ex-Hindu, Canada
Description: How a 12-year old girl found Islam.
- By Kaviri
- Published on 23 Jun 2021
- Last modified on 24 Jun 2021
- Printed: 8
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Hi, My name
is Kaviri, I am 12 year old Tamil girl and I’m a revert Muslim. Before I was a
Hindu, but I realized I didn’t believe in it and I was just worshipping because
my family did. Usually other have a vision, or find about their ancestry
leading to their conversion, or a dream, but for me, no - I was just sitting
there doing school in September and something struck me thinking "I want to be
Muslim". So I did some research then reached out to my Muslim friends. They said
Allah is trying to guide me and nothing will stop Him and I should stay on that
path. I read most of the Quran and was really interested, then on June 13-14, a
girl on social media added me. She was also an ex-Hindu but now a Muslim. She
learned about me then gave me some links so I came on www.islamreligion.com
and I went to the online chat. The first day I was not willing but the next day
I made my conversion and took my shahada through text. Then I met so many
friendly people that now I come on here almost every day. I don’t have modest
clothing or anything but they explained to me what I can do, so thanks. After
my conversion my life has changed, I found a reason to live for because before
I thought, ok we're alive now, then we're going to die. Now I realize I’m living
for something not nothing. I have told 3 family members, my cousins who are my
best friends, the first one was pretty chill and didn’t mind, the second
one was very happy for me, but the third one was a little shocked and I can
understand why. But I feel happy that I was able to tell them without a worry
because I can trust them and love them. But like most converts would feel if
their family are disbelievers, I feel the same way, because we believe in
Jannah and Hellfire, and you know your family might be in Hellfire unless they
convert because that’s what the Quran says. Learning how to pray would
probably be hard for non-Arab Muslims especially since they need to know the meaning.
I am in a secret conversion so my parents and many don’t know, only my close
friends and those 3 family members. I really don’t have much to tell since I
recently converted, but yes, this is my story and I hope it helps you on your
journey to Islam and I really recommend this website for converting and help. Byeeeeee