7 Reasons Why God is Worthy of Worship (part 3 of 6)

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Description: 7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all acts of worship to Him alone.   Part 3: God is worthy of worship by virtue of His perfect names and attributes and because He has created and sustains everything.

  • By Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (hamzatzortzis.com)
  • Published on 14 Oct 2019
  • Last modified on 25 Apr 2020
  • Printed: 9
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7 Reasons why God is worthy of worship

# 1 God is worthy of worship by virtue of who He is

God Worthy of Worship part 3.pngThe best place to start is to understand who God is.  God, by definition, is the One who is entitled to our worship; it is a necessary fact of His own existence.  The Quran repeatedly highlights this fact about God,

"Indeed, I am God.  There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." (Quran 20:14)

Since God is the only Being whose right is our worship, then all of our acts of worship should be directed to Him alone.

In the Islamic tradition, God is considered a maximally perfect Being.  He possesses all the perfect names and attributes to the highest degree possible.  For example, in Islamic theology, God is described as the The-Loving, and this means that His love is the most perfect and greatest love possible.  It is because of these names and attributes that God must be worshipped.  We always praise people for their abilities, kindness, knowledge and wisdom.  However, God’s power, kindness, knowledge and wisdom are to the highest degree possible with no deficiency or flaw.  Therefore, He is worthy of the most extensive form of praise, and praising God is a form of worship.  In this light, God is worthy of worship by virtue of who He is.

God is also the only One entitled to our supplications and prayers.  He knows best what is good for us, and He wants what is good for us.  Such a Being with these attributes must be prayed to, and be asked assistance of.  God is worthy of our worship because there is something about God that makes Him so.  He is the Being with the most perfect names and attributes.

An important point regarding worshipping God is that it is His right, even if we are not recipients of any type of comfort.  If we were to live a life full of suffering, God must still be worshipped.  Worshipping God is not dependent on some kind of reciprocal relationship; He gives us life, and we worship Him in return.  Do not misunderstand what I am saying here: God showers us with many blessings (as I will discuss below); however, He is worshipped because of who He is and not necessarily how He decides—via His boundless wisdom—to distribute His bounty.

We praise people due to their sporting skill, eloquence, strength or any other attribute.  We do so even though they do not benefit us in any direct way.  Similarly, God deserves extensive praise by virtue of His perfect names and attributes, and not as a result of how He decided to manifest them in our lives.  If we can praise people who have limited and flawed attributes, what does it mean on how we must praise God whose names and attributes have no deficiency or flaw?

# 2 God has created and also sustains everything

There is something in your life that you receive freely, yet you do not earn it and do not own it.  There is no good reason to believe that you deserve it either.  This thing is this moment, and the next moment, and all of the moments of your existence.  You do not earn these moments, so what can you possibly do to earn another instant in your life? This is exactly why in popular culture we call it a gift: the gift of life.  If you knew that you had 10 hours left to live and in order to live another 3 days you had to give away all of your wealth, you would immediately do so.  That’s why we all consider it to be so precious.  You do not own these moments because you do not have the capacity to bring anything into existence; you cannot even create a fly.  You do not deserve another moment of your existence because it is not yours; you do not have the ability to produce life, even for a second.  Therefore, nothing that you do can be deserving of something that you can never acquire by yourself.

In light of these basic truths, you must always be in a state of gratitude, because you always receive something that you neither earn, nor own, nor deserve.  These moments of our existence are from God alone, therefore we must be thankful to God, and acknowledge that all gratitude belongs to Him alone.  Gratitude is a key aspect of worship.

God has created everything; He continually sustains the entire cosmos and provides for us out of His bounty.  The Quran continually repeats this concept in various ways, which evokes a sense of gratitude and awe in the heart of the listener or reader:

"It is He who created for you all of that which is on the Earth." (Quran 2:29)

"Do they indeed ascribe to Him as partners things that can create nothing but are themselves created?" (Quran 7:191)

"O mankind, remember the favour of God upon you.  Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the heaven and Earth? There is no deity except Him, so how are you deluded?" (Quran 35:3)

Therefore, everything we use in our daily lives, and all of the essential things that we require to survive, are due to God.  It follows then that His is all gratitude.  Since God created everything that exists, He is the owner and master of everything, including us.  Hence, we must be in a sense of awe and gratitude to Him.  Since God is our Master, we must be His servants.  To deny this is not only rejecting reality, but it is the height of ingratitude, arrogance and thanklessness.

Since God created us, our very existence is solely dependent on Him.  We are not self-sufficient, even if some of us are deluded in thinking that we are.  Whether we live a life of luxury and ease or poverty and hardship, we are ultimately dependent on God.  Nothing in this universe is possible without Him and whatever happens is due to His will.  Our success in business and the great things that we may achieve are ultimately because of God.  He created the causes in the universe that we use to achieve success, and if He does not will our success it will never happen.  Understanding our ultimate dependency on God should evoke an immense sense of gratitude and humility in our hearts.  Humbling ourselves before God and thanking Him is a form of worship.  One of the biggest barriers to Divine guidance and mercy is the delusion of self-sufficiency, which is ultimately based on ego and arrogance.  The Quran makes this point clear:

"But man exceeds all bounds when he thinks he is self-sufficient." (Quran 96:6 & 7)

"There is the one who is miserly, and is self-satisfied, who denies goodness—We shall smooth his way towards hardship and his wealth will not help him as he falls.  Our part is to provide guidance." (Quran 92:8-12)


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